The Best Summer News

You may, or may not have noticed, that this site hasn't had any new images added since mid-March. Not sure why this happened, but I am happy to announce that this site is back up and running, and you will be seeing more posts.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Absolute Contract 373

Oh My Lovely Rock Garden #blackandwhite #iphoneography #absolutecontrast
Took this shot in between shoveling rocks into a wheelbarrow and dumping that wheelbarrow outside of my "property line". What a pain...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Absolute Contract 372

Show Me Those Muscles #blackandwhite #iphoneography #absolutecontrast
Ah, toys from the past. I broke these out of storage the other day, just to remember being a little kid and take this pic.